July 2024
Share International Magazine Editor’s Comment
Share International co-workers are often asked “What is Share International magazine about?”
There are many ways in which that question could be answered. In 1982, just before the magazine was launched, we penned the following: “Share International brings together two major directions of contemporary thought – the political and the spiritual. Our main purpose is to make known the fact that Maitreya the World Teacher for the coming age, and the Masters of Wisdom, are now among us and are gradually emerging into the public arena. At the same time, our aim is to show the synthesis underlying the political, social, economic and spiritual changes now occurring on a worldwide scale and to stimulate practical action to rebuild our world along more just and compassionate lines.”
This magazine is about life. A presumptuous claim some will say; regular readers will recall having seen the rusty doors of history unlocked, taking us, even if infrequently, back to civilizations unknown to most – Atlantis, for example. More importantly, ancient archives are opened to explain why a world of wonders such as Atlantis ultimately failed and sank beneath the waves of implacable karma. Greed, gross materialism and separativeness brought it to an end – the exact lesson we must surely consider taking to heart today. World Wars I and II can be traced back to those earlier dark times – another lesson. In other words, this publication is educational and enlightening, providing guidance for our times and beyond.
On these pages we can discover that not only is humanity One Being but that we are intertwined with all life on our planet with responsibility for the natural world. And, thrillingly, we read that our planet is part of the solar family that is our solar system, a great Life itself. Add to that the humbling fact that we have sentient benign friends and helpers on other planets within our solar system, who wish us only well and serve to save us from ourselves within the limits of karmic law.
This magazine is about the future and how we can create the world we all long for. “We all” refers to all of humanity – that is to say, those who yearn for a new way of being and living. These pages hold the key to the future since we are privileged to read Maitreya’s wisdom and teachings, the words of a Master as a wayshower and those of a senior disciple working in close rapport with his Master. What better advice and help could one wish?
Between these covers the reader can hear a call to his or her soul and encouragement to their aspiration to serve and to move into closer relationship with their higher self. It is the voice of the spirit evoking the intuition – the highest and best in those open to the experience of absorbing spiritual energies and inspiration that can take a person further along the Path.
We are privy to the words of the Masters. Simply the fact of Their existence is a basis for hope enough to carry one forward into service for the world and the Plan – as much of it as may be accessible to us. Just the knowledge that such a being as a Master exists and that there is a divine Plan, that Life has meaning and purpose is a source of hope, of love and reverence for the Life of which we are a part. Making the right choices becomes easier given the guidance available – if it is taken to heart.
That that reverence for life is broadly missing from the world today is incontrovertible. Our world is ‘not in a good place’. We are in a state of chaos and we, or those in positions of power, lurch from crisis to even bigger crisis, from regional to national conflict and from national to international tension and dangerous warmongering, militarism, and politicking that could spark worse crises.
It is not too far-fetched to imagine our solar family – “brothers and sisters” on other planets – watching Earth aghast and praying to the Solar Logos to save Earth and her blind, wayward children who seem hell-bent on making the wrong choices. We are certainly creating a hell on earth for those who are slaughtered daily, displaced in their millions, starving while there is food, marginalized and humiliated, driven to drugs or despair by our callous apathy or handwringing inaction. By our daily collective decisions, whether we as individuals agree or disagree with the actions of those in power, we threaten the life of our home planet and disrupt the Plan for ourselves and the Solar System. It is with its wrong choices that humanity itself is closing the windows of opportunity. We have free will; we have the right to go on making the wrong choices but in doing so we limit our options. We narrow the ‘opening’ for divine intervention with each separative, violent, negative decision.
Maitreya and the Masters urge all who can to take up the joy of service wherever we feel called to serve. They exhort anyone who can to raise their voices and demand justice, peace and sharing. They encourage people to aim for synthesis and tolerance, to look for opportunities to work with other like-minded people to find solutions, to save the world and begin to right the wrongs. This magazine can provide the inspiration needed, it can whet the heart’s longing to help and, to quote from the Great Ones, to create “a future where no man lacks, where no two days are alike”, where life is sanctified by meaning and purpose, and where all know themselves to be gods in potential and live to express that divinity.
Share International USA