Imagine a world free of war, poverty and injustice—where sharing and cooperation have replaced greed and competition. What could bring about such a change? Only extraordinary, wise, incorruptible leadership—working with people of goodwill from every corner of the earth. According to British author and esotericist Benjamin Creme, that leadership is now among us. A colossal spiritual Teacher has entered our world and will soon begin his open, public work with humanity.
For many, an understanding is already dawning that we cannot proceed into the future while millions starve and perish for want of food that lies rotting in the storehouses of the world. The current path of greed and competition no longer meets the needs of our world, and a new way forward must be found if we are to prevent certain disaster.
Maitreya, the World Teacher, will demonstrate the path of cooperation and sharing, and guide humanity forward into an age of peace and right relationship among all nations.
In every age, or in times of exceptional crisis, great spiritual teachers have come forth to show humanity its next evolutionary step. We have known some of them as Hercules, Rama, Krishna, Mohammed, Buddha, and the Christ. Now, at the dawning of the Aquarian age, Maitreya, the head of the Masters of Wisdom and our eldest brother, has returned to the everyday world for the first time in thousands of years to inaugurate the age and to guide us out of the perilous situation we have created for ourselves...
The Masters of Wisdom, together forming our Spiritual Hierarchy, are the custodians of the Divine Plan for this planet. They have inspired all the great human achievements age after age, working from behind the scenes through their disciples in every field of endeavor. The Masters guide and teach, but it is humanity itself, responding of its own free will to their stimulus, which creates each new civilization...
Maitreya will emphasize the utter necessity for peace and a total renunciation of war. This can only be achieved through the creation of justice for all people and trust among the nations.
The immediate priority will be the saving of millions of people now starving to death in the developing world. Maitreya will propose a crash program of international aid to alleviate this suffering.
Inspiring humanity to see itself as one interdependent family, he will help us understand that the world’s food, raw materials, energy and technological resources belong to everyone and must be shared equitably. These resources, he says, are given by divine right for the sustenance of all humanity—not for the use and misuse by a relative few. He will recommend a re-ordering of economic priorities so that adequate food, housing, education and medical care become universal rights.
As we begin to accept the Principle of Sharing and call on governments to implement this principle, each country will make an inventory of its assets and needs. These statistics will provide a United Nations agency set up for this purpose with the information required for a rational redistribution of the world’s resources. That which each country has in excess of its needs will be put aside, in trust for the world.
The plans for such a redistribution program—drawn up by economists, financiers and industrialists of great achievement—are already in existence, awaiting only our demand for their implementation. A sophisticated form of barter on a global scale will eventually replace the present economic system.
Another top priority will be saving, protecting, and healing the environment. This will require the creation of economic systems based on the principles of sustainability and sufficiency, rather than the present system of overproduction and waste. The goal is to supply the needs of all while maintaining the planet’s health.
Political changes – In the political arena, dramatic, unexpected changes stimulated by Maitreya’s influence started over three decades ago when East and West Germany reunited after the destruction of the Berlin Wall, the Soviet Union dissolved into independent states, the Cold War ended, and the election of Nelson Mandela to the South African Presidency ended apartheid there. Since then, rampant corruption worldwide in government and business has been exposed, and the ever-growing “voice of the people” continues to demand economic and social justice for all people, as well as restoration and protection of the environment. These voices challenge repressive regimes everywhere.
Appearances – These political breakthroughs allowed more open signs of Maitreya’s presence to be manifested. World leaders and ordinary citizens alike began to experience him in person and in dreams.
In one instance he appeared miraculously at a Nairobi, Kenya religious gathering, where 6,000 worshippers recognized him as the Christ, and many were healed. Photographs of Maitreya were taken and a Kenya Times account was reported by international news organizations.
Since then, he and several other Masters have increased this activity by appearing to people in all walks of life. They appear in many guises, offering needed insights or protection from harm, and always strengthening a person’s faith and hope for the future.
Unexplained phenomena – Signs of Maitreya’s presence in the world—which many call miracles—are also manifesting on a regular basis. They include weeping and bleeding statues; ‘crosses of light’ and springs of healing water; divine messages in the seed patterns of fruits and vegetables; bronze and stone sacred statues that appear to drink milk; and intricate ‘crop circles’ impressed in grain fields. The most recent of these events is a large, brilliant ‘star’, visible both night and day around the world, heralding Maitreya’s first public interview, which took place in December 2009 on a major American television network.
Maitreya’s first American interview, where he appeared as a seemingly ordinary man, has been followed by others worldwide, which will lead to an open invitation to address all humanity. On his ‘Day of Declaration’, television networks worldwide will be linked together, and Maitreya will be invited to speak to the world. We will see his face on television, but we will hear his appeal telepathically—each person in his or her native language. Even those who are not watching television will hear his words inwardly. This will re-enact the true happenings of Pentecost on a global scale.
On this day, Maitreya will speak heart-to-heart, simply. He will talk about the history of humanity, the high source from which we came, the evolutionary process, the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Rebirth, and the need for harmlessness. He will address the needs of the world, outlining our major problems and their solution through sharing—and the creation, therefore, of justice and peace.
At the same time, Maitreya’s energy of Love will enter the hearts of all, galvanizing us to make the choice to save the world. And hundreds of thousands of spontaneous healings will occur. In these ways we will know that this man is the World Teacher for all humanity.
From ancient times, a body of spiritual teaching known as the Ageless Wisdom has been handed down from generation to generation. A systematic and comprehensive account of the evolution of consciousness in man and nature, it describes how the universe came to exist, how it operates, and humanity’s place within it...
Esotericism, as the Ageless Wisdom is sometimes called, is also the art of working with those energies which emanate from the highest spiritual sources. It has been the wellspring for the arts and sciences throughout the ages and is also the common foundation of all the world’s religions.
Esotericism defines God as the sum total of all the Laws, and all the energies governed by these Laws, which make up everything in the manifest and unmanifest universe—all that we see and cannot see. God is also the great Cosmic Being who ensouls this planet.
Man and woman, in turn, are ‘Sparks of God’, spiritual beings expressing themselves through physical bodies. Each one of us is essentially divine, but compared to the saints and sages of all religions, most individuals recognize and demonstrate this divinity only to a limited degree.
The process by which we gradually manifest more of this divinity is rebirth (reincarnation). Like children entering the school system at kindergarten, we begin at a very basic level of human expression, not realizing our true spiritual heritage.
Through the experiences of countless lifetimes lived in many countries, with different cultural and religious upbringings, in both male and female bodies, we learn many lessons through successes and failures, and proceed on our evolutionary journey back to our Source. The gains in each lifetime are carried over to the next.
The ‘method’ used in this educational system is the Law of Cause and Effect (or, in Eastern terms, karma) which the Bible would describe: “As you sow, so shall you reap”. In terms of modern physics, the Law of Cause and Effect could be summarized as: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. Every thought and deed sets up a cause that inevitably leads to certain effects for better or worse. By understanding and working within this impersonal Law, we learn to make better choices and gradually take control of our own destiny. Through experiencing all that life in this world has to offer, we ultimately acquire total mastery over ourselves and become perfected beings—Masters of Wisdom—fully manifesting the divinity that dwells in each of us.
For those who want to help the world and build a stronger connection with their own soul, Transmission Meditation is the simplest way to do both—at the same time...
The Masters of Wisdom have been engaged for millions of years in transmitting energies through groups in the world. By ‘group’ is meant humanity itself and/or smaller groups—Jews, Hindus, Christians, etc. All acts of worship, in temple, church, or wherever, have always been, at the same time, transmissions of energy from Hierarchy at some level of potency, whether the celebrants were aware of this or not.
However, in 1974, the Master with whom Benjamin Creme had been associated for more than 40 years asked him (Creme) to form the first group knowingly dedicated to providing a conduit for these energies and, further, to encourage this activity and give instruction wherever he went.
The following is a sample of forecasts for the coming times compiled from the writings of Benjamin Creme, including information from his Master...
Benjamin Creme, a British artist and long-time student of the Ageless Wisdom, was the principal source of contemporary information about the emergence of Maitreya. In 1959 Creme received his first telepathic message from a Master of Wisdom... Not long after, he was informed that Maitreya would return within 20 years, and that he (Creme) would be given the opportunity to play an active role in this event if he chose to do so.
In 1972, under this Master’s direction, Creme began a period of intensive training, as a result of which their telepathic contact became continuous and immediate. This relationship gave him access to constant up-to-date information on the progress of Maitreya’s emergence and the total conviction necessary to present that information to a skeptical world.
Until his 90s, Creme lectured by invitation throughout Europe, North America and the Pacific Rim, and was regularly interviewed on radio and television. He received no fees for this work and made no claims about his own spiritual status. Creme was the editor of Share International, a monthly magazine which is read in over 70 countries. “My task,” Creme said, “has been to make the initial approach to the public, to help create a climate of hope and expectancy into which Maitreya can emerge without infringing our freewill.”
As a result of Creme’s lectures, books and Share International magazine, groups of volunteers in countries worldwide have come together for the purpose of helping to disseminate information about Maitreya and the global transformations that are taking place. Through their efforts, Creme’s books have been translated and published in more than a dozen languages. An extensive web site is also maintained by a group of dedicated volunteers. Benjamin Creme made his transition on October 24, 2016, but his work continues through these groups.
Many who hear about Maitreya’s presence in the world ask, “How can I help him?” The most important thing you can do is to share this information widely, for instance by sending a link to this brochure to as many people as possible. Joining or starting a transmission group is another way to help.
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